I just received my copy of the Tops magazine 2 Volume CD set. Both CD's are packed with scanned PDF files of the Abbotts Magic Company magazine that began publishing in the 1930's. It retails for $50.00 and is jam-packed with thousands of pages of magic. On the plus side, you can't beat the price for what you're getting. There are hundreds if not thousands of tricks inside. What is really interesting is that in the opinion columns they were arguing in 1936 about crediting magicians, how to do shows, etc., all topics that we still are discussing today.
Interesting is in Vol.6, p. 24 is a method for presenting a "Death Ray." This contraption is demonstrated to snuff out a candle and kill a rat. Yes, I said kill a rat. They literally tell you a method for electrocuting a live rat live on stage. Probably won't go over well with PETA and I wouldn't recommend it.
Personally, I love history and I love magic history. In the 2 volume set you can read all about the greats of magic: Thurston, Houdini, Blackstone Sr., and some lesser known magicians. In addition you can discover old magic tricks that made their way into magazines and books years later. You can purchase the 2 VOL CD set from us at Magic Etc by emailing us at magiclaffs@gmail.com for 50.00 plus 4.60 priority mail postage.