Friday, April 20, 2007

Dancin Fancy

Magician Jason Latimer will fool you... If you can be patient enough with the dancing. When I first saw him perform I was waiting for the magic to happen. Then I watched 3 minutes of a ring and a card, with Latimer dancing around the stage. Make no mistake, it is a good act and his finish is spectacular. But like any presentation, it must have a beginning, a middle and an end. He builds, ever so slowly to the end and ends with a bang. Contrast this with Lance Burton, Channing Pollock, Cardini. They virtually stand in one place and the magic happens around them. Copperfield has become much better over the years and his dance is well incorporated into the magic as part of the plot, rather than a way to keep attention or to cover a steal of some sort.

Here's the clip:

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