Monday, March 9, 2009

Fraud- by Daniel Garcia Review

I didn't think much of the article in magic magazine about Daniel Garcia because I'm not fond of street magic; i.e., guys who appear to mimic David Blaine, going about the streets and doing magic for spectators. Was I ever wrong! I recently saw Daniel Garcia's Fraud and consider it to be one of the top magic effects recently released.

Here's the effect: The magician borrows a one dollar bill and has the back signed by the spectator. After some comments about the security features of the bill, the magician very slowly moves the "letter stamp" on the bill across the bill to the right side of the bill. He cleanly hands the bill back to the spectator with no switches and it can be examined.

What I Like- the impossibleness of the effect. When a magician takes an everyday object and does magic with it, it screams impossible. When the magician leaves the object with the spectator it jumps up and down yelling impossible.

I like the fact that it will take time to prepare this effect. You can do several of them at once (I'm not giving anything away here). I like it because that means all those who don't like to put together magic that takes time to prepare will skip this effect, saving it for those of us who relish the impact more than the pain of preparing it. At 24.95 it is a steal...literally

Five Stars on this one

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